Jim Thompson's House
Jim Thompson was an architect born in the early twentieth century who offered his services to the US Army during World War II. He moved to Europe as a strategic part of the army to assist in the operation of the liberation of Thailand.
Already in Thailand and with the war ended, Jim Thompson became interested in the silk and fabrics of the country. With an enterprising vision he created his company and helped in the worldwide expansion of Thai silk.
In March of 1967, during a trip by Malaysia, Jim Thompson disappeared. There are several theories that try to explain it: from a possible murder to being victim of the wild animals.
His house is composed of six traditional houses taken from other provinces of Thailand. Carrying them was no problem since the houses were built without nails in order to disassemble them. These houses are at least two centuries old.
Respecting Thai customs, Jim Thompson built his raised house in order to avoid flooding. The tiles were cooked in Ayudhaya and the red paint on the walls served as protection.
The gardens can be visited in a normal way but to visit the house it is obligatory to do it in a group. Guided tours are available in English and French.
In the same house we will find a restaurant and a shop of the brand Jim Thompson that, everything is said, is not cheap.
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